Star Wars Jedi: Survivor is an action-adventure game developed by Respawn Entertainment as the sequel to the 2019 Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order game. Many fans of Fallen Order were excited about the continuation...
After a difficult and challenging year, the Akins Journey Theater performed its first staged play this year in late March with an abbreviated version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
The Shakespearean...
Akins musicians have wracked up a streak of accomplisments this year while challenging themselves to do new things.
The Symfonetta and Woodwind band students combined for the Full Orchestra UIL performance....
Video game developing company Fatshark has had a successful run with the Warhammer Fantasy series, especially with the Vermintide series. This series of games take place in Warhammer Fantasy during the...
The name "Resident Evil" evokes a spectrum of emotions for fans of the long-running franchise. The game title is almost synonymous with the horror genre it inspired with its original release by Capcom...
The recently released Super Mario Bros. Movie has something to please everyone.
For the youngest fans of Mario, it has the jovial Mario and the skittish Luigi characters set in the magical and colorful...
Spring Fest!
Price: Free
2909 W. William Cannon Dr.
Austin, TX, 78745
Saturday, April 8
For more information on this event click or visit
Price: Starting at $25
Players often have a love/hate relationship with so-called strategy video games.
When people hear the words strategy game, they tend to think of having to use your brain and spend a lot of time playing...
Watching Puss in Boots was a surprisingly good experience. I did not expect how well-animated the movie was going to be and how deep the story would be and how fully the characters would be developed.
Marcelo Palacios, Editor In-Chief/ In-Depth Editor
• March 7, 2023
It has all led up to this moment. You, the player, are ready to face your most trialing fight ever, pushing through the gates with your allies by your side. You engage with Marth, dealing the final blow...