The Student Support Services is continuing its yearly quest to help Akins students in need.
Students who feel they might need additional support, but are either unable to get help at home or from other resources should visit the SSS in the office at the front of the school. Teachers are also encouraged to support their students in need by filling out an anonymous form for the child. All SSS services are held in strict confidentiality and students are protected at all times.
All services are free and operate voluntary, meaning students are free to come and go as needed.
SSS is more than just counseling though, as their goals are to help all students in need.
A Clothing Resource through Operation School Bell that allows 55 of our students to try on, select, and receive $100 worth of clothing at Target and $30 worth of shoes from Payless.
“We are resource savvy and want to make sure that our students have what they need to be successful,” program director Colleen Arnold said. “If there is every anything we can go to support teachers in their efforts to help students be academically successful we want to know.”
This event will occur after-school in late Oct. Parent consent forms are needed for this resource. The Clothing Closet is also operational and can also be a clothing resource to students in need
School supplies including some backpacks have been donated. Students who might need help with supplies are encouraged to stop by.
In late October SSS will have their annual Baby Stuff Give-away for this semester. The community is encouraged to donate anything that is baby/parent-related, SSS will be accepting donations during the first three weeks of Oct. (Oct 1-19th).
Questions can be directed to Arnold at 841-9878.