EE: What’s your name and position?
AM: Alonzo Moore, and I play middle linebacker.
EE: How long have you been on the team?
AM: I have been on the team for one year.
EE: When did you get into football and what is your favorite thing about it?
AM: I can say, when I first got into football was in probably pre-K, I really liked watching the Cardinals. That was my favorite team growing up. And when I was able to start playing flag football, that was the Little League team I actually got picked to play on. Now, I just always enjoy playing football, watching the game and just learning more about it.
EE: What has playing on this football team at Akins taught you?
AM: it’s taught me a lot. It’s mainly taught me battling through diversity. Akins as a school, we don’t have the most kids in the district, like some schools teams, like we have the team down the street, who has, like, two times, three times more kids than we do, but we still have the ability with the players.

EE: Do you have a favorite football game moment from any of the years you have been on the team?
AM: I have to say my favorite moment this year would be when my friend Ryan, who came back from ineligibility because of the UIL, came back in his first game and caught the first pick of the season to end up leading us to that shutout against Manor New Tech
EE: Do you have a pregame ritual you do before games?
AM: I call my best friend Jacksen, and I always talk with her before the game, clear my head a little bit, catch up and just, ultimately talk to her and enjoy the time and mainly just listen to music. You never really can bring food so I can’t eat or nothing.
EE: What will you miss most about high school football?
AM: I say the people you know, we really made a connection as a team. You know, a lot of us coming in our first year here, because we had a bunch of new kids. A lot of kids on the team now are not from here, not from Texas, including myself, in the fact that we were all able to come together and still be a complete team and battle through the injuries together, the arguments, the fights, the bickering back and forth, to just look like one family at the end of the season
EE: What are your goals after high school?
AM: I say I’m thinking about going to Texas A&M and study kinesiology.