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"Everything that concerns you"

The Eagle's Eye

"Everything that concerns you"

The Eagle's Eye

"Everything that concerns you"

The Eagle's Eye

Lillian Graham

Lillian Graham, Staff Photographer

Name: Lillian Graham

Grade: 10

Academy: New Tech

Number of Years on Staff: 1st year of being on staff

Title: Staff Photographer

Why do you enjoy being on staff? I enjoy photography and helping the class. 

What do you do for fun? I play video games, watch movies, paddle board, and go for walks

What are your hobbies? ^^^^

All content by Lillian Graham
FFA students pose with their award winning goats and sheep at the stock show competition where they demonstrate the progress they have made in raising their animals.

FFA program teaches students life skills

Lillian Graham, Staff Photographer
February 20, 2024
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"Everything that concerns you"
Lillian Graham