Teacher writes, stages first dramatic play
Frontera Fest brings Bromberg’s drama to the limelight at area theaters
Various actors act out a scene from, SEL teachers, Anthony Bromberg’s play “And Still The Dead Lay Moaning”. The play revolves around six friends dealing with the fact that one of the six friends is in a coma and how the remaining five are changed by this unforeseen event.
March 2, 2016
SEL teacher Anthony Bromberg loves a creative challenge.
During his summer breaks he often dedicates himself to creative endeavors, including writing poems, short stories and even film projects. Last summer, Bromberg said he ran into writer’s block while trying to write a novel.
“I didn’t know what I was writing anymore. I sat down and mediated and then this play comes in my mind,” he said.
The play titled And Still The Dead One Lay Moaning focuses on a terrorist attack set during an Austin Thanksgiving Day parade, which violently disrupts the comfortably patterned lives of six lifelong friends.
The dramatic play with hints of comedy brings up a whole series of questions to be answered through the course of the play. Will their bond survive the sometimes whimsical, sometimes devastating mourning process? Can they find the healing magic to emerge more honest and with their circle of love enlarged?
Bromberg said he wanted to tell a story with characters that audiences could relate to.
“I love art. I’m inspired by the things I love so I hope if people can connect to the story, to the characters and to the brilliant people in it, that they will be inspired to tell their own story and feel a little more allowed to tell the truth,” he said. “It’s not flashy, not over the top just very hopefully real people. I think stories about real people are really important because that’s not always what we get from Hollywood or television.”
It was the first time Bromberg had ever written a play. When he decided he wanted to actually stage the play, he knew that he would encounter problems along the way.
“One of the difficulties is finding rehearsal space. Unfortunately a number of theatre rehearsal spaces in Austin have shut down,” Bromberg said. “Independent theatre is becoming more and more expensive.”
In the end, he was able to find free and inexpensive places to rehearse. Since this is part of a festival there were 11 other plays that needed to rehearse, too. Another challenge for them was time for each cast member since they have their own stuff to cast of such commercial, movies, television, and other jobs.
Bromberg said he hopes the play will inspire other students or people that have gone to see it to know that they can express themselves and show off their their talents in ways they never thought possible.
Senior Isaiah Harris said he thinks Bromberg’s was a success.
“It showed me and I’m sure students who were there they can write screen plays or playwright as well as he can,” Harris said.
For being Bromberg’s first play, Harris said he really enjoyed it and the performances.
“I like the play very much it was thought provoking about friendship after a loved one death, it said a lot about forgiveness and grievance it also shows how someone can be suffering and the people they know the most may not be aware of it,” Harris said.
Before, knowing that it was his first time a lot of people who came to the play really enjoy it and its outstanding performance.
The money earned from the play is going to the actors and not Bromberg.
“All the money is going directly to the actors so we can pay them, so I don’t make any money off of this show since they spent all those hours rehearsing, rehearsing, rehearsing,” Bromberg said.
In the play Bromberg wanted to send a message or show a theme that everybody can know or relate to in their lifetime.
“Main one is that it’s important to be open and honest in your communication. That when you hide sadness or stress that just makes it worse, but when you share it with your friends you have the opportunity to heal,” said Bromberg. “When I write something it’s about something that i’m grappling with during life and hope they can relate too as well.”