Stress During The Fall


Repeating cycles.  Always doing something consistently.  Never having time for yourself.

It’s been a rough year for everyone. With COVID hitting, it really affected the way we think and feel. We got used to only talking on social media for two years straight than having to come back to in-person school, which was a really weird change for us. It’s been a rough semester for all of us, having to be around hundreds of people every day of the week. All we do is wake up, go to school, then go to work after school. It’s like a repeating cycle every day that we have to keep repeating. It’s getting tiring for most of us, having to keep up with grades and problems outside of school. We’re all starting to stress ourselves out with all these things we have to deal with.

We put so much thought into the things we do, which stresses us out. I think we should just sit back, relax and let our mind and body find its peace again. Mental health and physical health is such an important thing in our life that people really don’t take them into consideration. I feel like the more you take these types of health seriously you’ll feel less stressed out about everything. We should all feel good about everything we do, there’s no need to rush to finish things. Every task you do take it to step by step so you won’t have so much stress on top of you.

Taking deep breaths and meditating is also really good for your mind, Release all the stress and negative thoughts you have going on.