EE Explains: How to get COVID-19 vaccinated in Austin

Natalia Estrada, Editor

Vaccines have been a relief for many people; they cannot wait to see their family, friends, go out and enjoy celebrations.

The problem nowadays is that people do not know where or when the COVID-19 vaccine is going to be available for them. The eligibility to get a COVID-19 vaccine has been open to everyone 16 and older, but the challenge that we are facing is the distribution in some areas, where students cannot find where to make their appointment.

Which vaccine is approved for school-aged children?

Pfizer/BioNTech’s coronavirus vaccine received an emergency authorization for use by people ages 16 and older from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in November. Moderna’s COVID-19 vaccine is only authorized for those 18 and older now. However, both companies have been conducting trials with younger patients and are expected to ask the FDA for authorizations for them in the general population soon. Pfizer recently announced the results of its clinical trials for ages 12-15 and found no symptomatic infections. The children in the trial produced strong antibody responses and experienced no serious side effects. On May 10, the FDA granted the Pfizer authorization request for ages 12-15.

Where do you get it?

H-E-B recently said all pharmacies will accept walk-ins from 3-5 p.m. Monday through Friday. CVS Pharmacy locations across the country announced on May 5 that they have walk-in Covid-19 vaccine appointments. Texas Public Health Vaccine Scheduler will help all the people living in Texas to schedule their next appointment for their Covid-19 vaccine at clinics hosted by participating Texas public health entities. Register online at

Why are some people having trouble getting a vaccine appointment?

People that do not have access to the internet or cellphone/computer are having a hard time scheduling their appointments.

What side effects are there?

Some side effects that can be presented when getting a Covid-19 vaccine are: pain, redness, swelling, tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, nausea.

What to do if you experience side effects?

To reduce pain/discomfort in the area where the vaccine was applied: Apply a clean/wet washcloth, exercise or use your arm, do not pressure or over forced, drink plenty of fluids and water to stay hydrated, wear light clothes, take time to rest

Is it safe?

COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective. COVID-19 vaccines were evaluated in thousands of participants in clinical trials. CDC departments have said that “The vaccines met the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) rigorous scientific standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality needed to support emergency use authorization (EUA)”.

Is it true that the COVID-19 vaccine can harm women’s infertility?

Dr. Anthony Cardillo, an ER specialist and CEO of Mend Urgent Care in Los Angeles, said this is misinformation that is being spread online. “This misinformation started when a group of researchers tried to postulate that there was a protein on the placenta that was mildly similar to the spike protein, which affects the productive system,” Dr. Cardillo explains and emphasizes that it “was only theoretical.”