Career SPARK speakers help students learn about different professional fields
Students sign up to learn about different types of profession. Career SPARK features many professional speakers.
February 21, 2017
While some students know what they want to be “when they grow up” when they are little kids, others don’t figure it out until they get to college.
To help those who are undecided learn more about what working in a career field is actually like, counselors in the College and Career Center (CCC) have created a new speaker series called Career Spark, featuring professionals from a variety of backgrounds.
The meetings take place on Wednesdays in the CCC, giving students a chance to learn and ask questions of people ranging from lawyers to doctors to business professionals.
“I realized that it’s hard for our students and families to sometimes get into different enrichment experiences outside of the school day,” said CCC counselor Sarah Simmons.
“Everybody is super busy in life and so we’re trying to find ways for students to learn more about different careers by bringing different types of professionals here for them to hear what life is in these different professional pathways.”
It’s not new for Akins to host guest speakers, but it is the first time to have a regular speaker series in the CCC.
Teachers often bring some professionals to their classes to talk to students and give students a different idea of the subject or how it will help them in their lives after high school.
However, this is only for one subject and a onetime thing.
“Teachers on their own bring professionals and different academy’s do specific things so there’s definitely talks like this happening around the campus,” Simmons said. “I just wanted to open up another avenue and provide something again and your regular bases during the school day for students.”
On Feb. 1, the CCC hosted two speakers: an attorney and a speech pathologist.
Upcoming featured speakers this year include a pharmacy technician, information technology specialist, and an accountant.
Junior Brianna Candelas said that she asked the speakers about what kind of degree they needed to obtain a job in their field. She recommended that other students check out the Career Spark speakers.
“I think it teaches them that there is other opportunities out there for them to check out like exploring new types of careers for them,” she said.
Simmons said she is looking forward to growing this program in the future.
“It is going to be our first semester doing this and so were gonna kind of go through this spring semester and look at how it works and then come back next year and hopefully add to the program and make it just better,” Simmons said.