Teamwork takes center court under head coach Jesse Hayes
Sophomore Laryy Durden with the ball tests the skill of his fellow teammates with a quick practice play. The boys basketball team readys themselves during preseason.
November 13, 2015
Head Basketball Coach Jesse Hayes is not somebody who tolerates a show off.
Of course, Hayes wants his team to win games and make it to the playoffs. However, he also wants his players to understand that basketball is a team sport and how important it is to use teamwork to win games.
In his second year as the top Boys Varsity Basketball coach, Hayes has grown into his role. Players say his style of coaching is characterized with an emphasis on helping young players mature into young men.
“I feel I made him proud because he has coached a group of kids who came to the basketball program as little boys and he turned them into young men,” Small Forward Michael Johnson said.
This year, boys Basketball is getting prepared for this new and upcoming season. In September, the team was disappointed to learn that one of its standout players was going to move to Houston to attend school.
Coach Hayes held a team meeting to discuss Cameron Ivey’s departure and to tell them that the loss of one player would not change the fact that they are a good team.
“Look guys, Cameron left, does that affect our season at all? No, not at all, we have always been a good team,” Hayes said during team meeting.
The players also have high expectations for the team and their performances when the season starts on Nov. 16 against Copperas Cove.
Prado holds high standards for the team and believes that they will have a great season..
“We are smaller than most teams, but we’re a good team and all we need to do is play hard ” Prado said.
Ivey’s departure opened up new op- portunities for some other players giving them a chance to prove themselves.
“I’m thankful that Coach Hayes had enough faith to let me run with the Varsity guys, and I’m going to prove that I belong here,” Stewart said. “This is a new year, not just for me but for everyone on this team. And I expect us to play every game like it’s our last.”