Basketball season ends as players reflect on challenges

Returning players create goals for next year’s season

Shyenne Knox

Freshman Melanie Cantu cheers on her team in a game against Del Valle. Akins beat Del Valle 57-51 sweeping them for the season.

Jaden Garrion, Staff Writer

The boys and girls varsity basketball teams have had rough seasons this year, but the players say there were victorious moments that they will never forget.

Senior Kaylani Hernandez said one moment in particular that she remembers was in the game against Del Valle.

“Del Valle was winning the whole time up until the 4th quarter,” Hernandez said. “We just started shooting threes and making them. We were just making three after three after three. But we ended up being up by 9 points and then up by 12. You can tell we were in Del Valle’s head it was so crazy.”

Hernandez also said another moment that happened which was in the game against Hays.

“We almost lost three times but we kept on going into overtime,” she said.

Although they had some big moments the teams have struggled trying to racking up wins. Erica Routt girls varsity basketball team coach said some of the challenges they had are to be expected because there were only two seniors and no returning starting varsity team members.

“We are struggling this year because we are young and we’re building,” she said.“We lost quite a lot of key players that were seniors last year and we have some younger players that are being responsible for a lot of things,” she said.

Despite the losses, players have kept their spirits high. Sophomore Alyssa Morales said she works to keep team morale high at all times.

“I stay encouraging my team up by not letting them down and always cheering them up when they’re down because to me it doesn’t matter if we win or lose,” she said.

Junior Raquel Gonzales said the team has learned a lot through some tough losses this year.

“I just know that we can get better every game that we play,” junior Raquel Gonzales said. “We know what we messed up on and know how to fix it so that is what keeps us motivated.”

Many of the underclassmen have learned things that can help them next year.

For example, Morales said she learned to not give up on yourself when you mess up and to “push yourself harder till you get it right.”

Also, junior Jaidyn Trevino said she learned about communication and teamwork.

“I learned not to get so frustrated when we lose, also being a better leader,” Gonzales said.

Many players had good and bad moments this year but a lot of these players will be returning for next year and are already in a mindset planning for next year.

“Some goals for us next year are to get better as individuals,” Trevino said. “If everyone gets better by themselves then when we play together it will look a lot better.”

Morales said that will “keep grinding” and pushing themselves throughout the summer to be ready for the next season.

Despite boys basketball having a losing record this year the team still stays encouraged, senior Sherrod Whitley said.

“When we lose we’re mad about the game and all but we just move on to the next game and don’t worry about the loss,” he said.

Junior Beto Morales seconded Whitley.

“We just go on to the next game and try our best and try to win that game,” he said.

Many of the players this year learned a lot of things this year, that can help them in the future.

Whitley said he learned that playing on a team is not always about any individual player.

“You have to work together to get things done,” he said.

Many underclassmen on the boy’s varsity team have already set goals for next year.

Junior Alfred Ortiz said the lessons they have learned this year will position them well to make a run for the playoffs next year.

Morales said he plans to, keep striving to get better as a team.