Track team receives shoe donation before new season
Members of the track team tried on brand new running shoes provided Feet Fleet for the track season in January. The shoes are designed to provide runners with proper support while running.
February 26, 2019
Vans and Converse are far from appropriate running sneakers, but many students in track were arriving at meets in these types of shoes. In order to correct this, they received a donation of higher quality shoes.
On Jan. 14, the track team received 50 pairs of free shoes from the Fleet Feet Austin, a running supply store in downtown Austin.
The shoes were fitted to each member of the track team so that they could have high-performing shoes before track season. Sophomore Luke Becerra said that he was excited to receive the shoes.
“They’re really comfortable,” Becerra said. “They’re free and they’re really good running shoes.”
Assistant coach Francisco Flores said that he is glad that they were supplied the shoes because they are much higher quality than the shoes that some students had to compete in.
“There were many running in some really old shoes.”
Becerra that in addition to the shoes, he is excited about the track season because he has recovered from an injury and will be able to compete more in the season.
“(Last season), I was suffering a leg injury so I couldn’t do my best,” Becerra said. “This year I’m healthy, and I can’t wait to get some (personal records).”
Flores said that he is apprehensive because the boys’ and girls’ teams have both lost many players who graduated last year, but that he is still con dent in this year’s team.
“We’ve got high hopes,” Flores said. “We have lots of young runners.”
Becerra said that he hopes that track gains more members over time. He said that track is a sport that’s accessible to everyone.
“I feel like everyone should be a part of it,” Becerra said. “It’s a sport that everyone can do and it’s fun.”
Aubrey Hill contributed to this story.