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"Everything that concerns you"

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"Everything that concerns you"

The Eagle's Eye

Akins athletes take over as team leaders

Robert Lockay
Giving it his all Yomar Olvera stealing the ball from the oppositing team at the Austin High VS Akins Boys Soccer match.

As this school year comes to an end, the leaders of next year’s athletic teams, coaches have already started identifying students whom they expect to be leaders on the fields and courts next school year.

Head Varsity Football Team Coach Joey Saxe, who is also the Akins Co-Athletic Coordinator, said he is excited to see how new student leaders will step into leadership roles for Akins teams.

“I really hope that our leaders can help drive the culture of change that we’re wanting,” he said.

The leaders of the athletic teams range from rising sophomores to rising seniors and they all have big plans for their teams next year. Although team captains have not been officially been selected in some cases, these students have demonstrated character traits that coaches believe will be beneficial for their teams next year.

Coach Saxe offered some of these new team captains a few words of wisdom.

“Leadership is not easy,” he said. “It will always be questioned. But ultimately, as long as your heart is in the right place, and you’re doing things for the greater, you know, you’ll get the results that you want.

Saxe said that coaches will be there for them when they need some guidance and support. Saxe said he would do everything in his power to help them become better leaders.

“You know where to find me,” he said.




EE: How do you feel about being a new leader for the team next year?          

AL: I feel good, I really like being part of the team and just helping us continue to grow and get better.”


EE: What is something you plan to do to help your team be successful next year?”

AL:“ I think it’s important to care about your team, and just be passionate to be on the team and be a hard worker so you can set that example for the rest of your team.”




EE: How do you feel about being a new leader for the team next year?

JC: “It’s a huge honor to be a captain of the football team and it will take a lot of responsibility.”

EE: What is something you plan to do to help your team be successful next year?

JC:Make sure everyone does their job and lead by





EE: How do you feel about being a new leader for the team next year?

JP: “I feel great. I feel like we got a lot of talent on the team. and I feel like as we come together, play really well.”

EE: What is something you plan to do to help your team be successful next year?

JP:Definitely checking in more, I feel like checking in as the number one thing you can do because a lot of people got personal stuff going on. So, coming to practice every day and making sure you lead by example.”




EE: How do you feel about being a new leader for the team next year?

YO:“I’m looking forward to leading this team to playoffs and making it past the second round of playoffs this time around.” “

EE: What is something you plan to do to help your team be successful next year?” 

YO:“I will give it all on the field and I’ll make sure everyone does the same.”




EE: How do you feel about being a new leader for the team next year?

ER: “I say pretty good. I try to get along with people as best as I can. And I’ve been playing tennis for a while. So I think I can be a good leader and try and help whoever”

EE: What is something you plan to do to help your team be successful next year?

ER:“Just try and give them pointers, go out and practice with them if they need and just try to be there for them as much as I can.”




EE: How do you feel about being a new leader for the team next year?”

JP:” I feel really good. I feel really thankful to go take on an opportunity and just like, be able to help my team and the ways I can so that we can all grow together.”

EE: What is something you plan to do to help your team be successful next year? 

JP:“ I plan to continue to reassure them that we’re going to be okay, and just continue to work on our teamwork and chemistry so that we can all just like continue to bring each other up and like hard sense.“

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