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"Everything that concerns you"

The Eagle's Eye

"Everything that concerns you"

The Eagle's Eye

"Everything that concerns you"

The Eagle's Eye

Jarel La'Fabion Deere

Jarel La’Fabion Deere, Section Editor

Name: Jarel La’Fabion Deere

Grade: 11th

Academy: New Tech

Year on Staff: 2nd year

Title: (like section editor or staff writer) Section Editor

Why they are on staff? Love to edit photos and be able to create something new for everyone to enjoy.

What do you do for fun? Video games, parkour, airsoft, climb buildings, and working out.

What movie do you recommend that everyone watch? Avengers Endgame

Plans for after high school? Go to College for football

Twitter handle (optional): Instagram @jaydayungsaucegod

Hidden Talent (optional): I can hold my ear inside of it.

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"Everything that concerns you"
Jarel La'Fabion Deere