Thomas Cross, Online Editor
Grade: 11
Academy: New Tech
Year on Staff: 1
Title: Online Editor
Why they are on staff?: I was asked to join, but I guess the main reason I said yes was to help improve my writing skills. However, I'm also working on making the website look better, and if you ask me, it's looking pretty good.
What do you do for fun? I play computer games, read, and write.
Plans for after high school? I guess as far as end goal, career wise is concerned, I really want to get a job with EA and help design some of their video games. However, right out of high school, I have two plans. I might go to college. Or I could spend 10,000 hours over the next four years mastering League of Legends so I can go become a professional LCS player. I'm still not sure which one I'm leaning towards.
Twitter handle: I don't have a twitter, but, if you want to add me on League, and you totally should, my summoner name is futuristicdance.
Hidden Talent: I don't mean to brag, but, I'm pretty much a god support on League of Legends. Just saying.
Adriana Galindo, Staff Writer
Name: Adriana Galindo
Grade: 11
Academy: New tech
Year on Staff: 2nd year
Title: Staff Writer
Why they are on staff? Because I love writing and photography and it also gives me a chance to travle around Austin
What do you do for fun? Listen to music and hangout with family and friends also work.
What movie do you recommend that everyone watch? Interview With A Vampier
Plans for after high school? Go to college and get a good job while I'm in school
Twitter handle (optional):N/A
Hidden Talent (optional):N/A
Nelly Tapia, Staff Writer
Name: Nelly Tapia
Grade: 12th
Academy: Green Tech
Year on Staff: 1st
Title: Staff Writer
Why they are on staff? I really like to create a lot of different things to make people smile, laugh, and even be informed.
What do you do for fun? I hang out with my friends/family and go SHOPPING!
Plans for after high school? I plan on becoming a Pre-School teacher because I enjoy teaching and love little kids.
Nicole Ocampo, Staff Writer
Name: Nicole Ocampo
Grade: 12th
Academy: New Tech
Year on Staff: first year
Title: (like section editor or staff writer) staff writer
Why they are on staff? I was interested in giving newspaper a try and to improve my writing.
What do you do for fun? I like to paint and read.
Plans for after high school?
Twitter handle (optional):
Hidden Talent (optional)