Mylo Bissell, Editor-in-Chief
Name: Mylo Bissell
Grade: 12th
Academy: SSA
Number of Years on Staff: 3
Title: Editor-in-Chief
Why do you enjoy being on staff? Ms.Salazar once described The Eagle's Eye as the eyes and ears of the campus and that is why I enjoy being on staff. To help provide a voice to issues happening on campus to provide insight from both sides: staff and students
What do you do for fun? I read, write, and watch tv.
What new hobbies, activities do since quarantining because of COVID? I swim now.
Hopes & Dreams? To be an educator who helps bridge the equity divide in education
Andrew Martinez, Life & Style Editor
Name: Andrew Martinez
Grade: 12th
Academy: STEM
Year on Staff: 1st year
Title: Life & Style Editor
Why are you on staff? I joined staff to challenge myself with a new experience, as well as having an outlet for my creativity in terms of designing.
What do you do for fun? Play video games and pirate movies
What movie do you recommend that everyone watch? The movie Drive is the literal representation of true art.
Plans for after high school? Go to college and study whatever I decide to