Mormon students share their view on dating

Everywhere you go within the school you see new and old couples hand in hand in the hall ways, but not everyone is allowed to have a significant other at such a young age.

Many religions have different views on dating and it varies between each group. For example, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS), which has 15 million members world wide, and stringent rules for teen dating.

“We can’t date until we are sixteen, once you are sixteen we can go on group dates but it is encouraged to avoid frequent dates with the same person,” junior Jason Loosle said.

LDS has quite a few rules in the dating section of their go-to guide.

“When I start dating I will have to go on double dates. We also have to date another person in between,” sophomore Patten Whiting said.

Although to many, that may be difficult, many Mormons aren’t bothered at all.

“I don’t find it hard because that’s how I’ve grown up and it’s how I was raised,” Loosle said.

All of these “rules” come from the “For the Strength of Youth,” a pamphlet that the church encourages its members to follow.

“We try to follow the Ten Commandments, but everyone sins,” junior Macy Whiting said. “Its not a sin to have a boyfriend, but the law of chastity is one of the commandments and they want to make sure we don’t break it.”

The law of chastity is the abstinence from sex before marriage and full loyalty to your partner after marriage.

“I try to stay away from situations that will tempt me to have sex,” Loosle said.

The Mormon law of chastity sets their church apart from other religions, but they believe that it leads to a happy and fulfilling life.

“It can be hard to watch everyone else in high school date while I cant, but its important you honor your mother and father and that means not breaking the rules,” Patten said.

Even though everyone sins, their religion states that they should forgive, even if they break one of these rules.

“The church is a hospital for sinners,” Macy said.