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"Everything that concerns you"

The Eagle's Eye

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"Everything that concerns you"

The Eagle's Eye

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"Everything that concerns you"

The Eagle's Eye

Matthew Lopez

Matthew Lopez , Online Editor

Grade :
This year I’m currently a SENIOR

Academy :
I am in the AHA Academy here at Akins. 

Year on staff :
This will actually be my second year.

Newspaper role :
My role this year is the “Online Editor”.

Why on staff ?
I am on staff because I was listening to Nothing Was The Same (NWTS) and then it hit me… I need to do something with my life. And… so yeah… that’s how it happened. And also because I enjoy being apart of this staff and all the “inside scoop” we have about the school that most students don’t know.

What do you do for fun ?
Well.. as weird as it sounds.. I make videos on the internet and no.. not those type of videos. Sadly. But yeah. My videos can go from me just talking about whatever is on my mind to my friends and i embarrassing ourselves in public. I also have a gangster rap alias by the name of “M-$LΔB” with the hopes and dreams of touring the world and having #1 hits. ok just kidding. But yeah, if you want to check out some of my videos.. just search my name and hopefully it won’t be a big waste of your time.

Plans after high school ?
After high school I plan on getting famous and turning up with 2-CHAINZ… and if that doesn’t happen.. I plan on attending college and majoring in a field along the lines of Radio, Television, and Digital Communication. Something like that. 


All content by Matthew Lopez
Boys basketball advances to playoffs

Boys basketball advances to playoffs

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February 14, 2014
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2014 Prom themes introduced

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February 4, 2014

Christmas Wish List?!

December 13, 2013
New fall diamond rookies announced

New fall diamond rookies announced

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November 13, 2013

Homecoming nominees released!

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September 14, 2013
Principle Daniel Girard stands with students of the cadet ranger program. The program provides an oppurtunity to become a park ranger cadet with a summer paid internship.

ACES introduces new program

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Students attend annual Law Day

Students attend annual Law Day

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February 13, 2013
Akins host annual Academy Fair

Akins host annual Academy Fair

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January 29, 2013
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"Everything that concerns you"
Matthew Lopez