Take a stance against Donald Trump and his goals


Editorial Board

Everyone generally agrees that 2016 has been an enormous mess, when it comes to politics. This can be credited to a lot of things, but primarily it has been because of the presidential election. The past election has been far more than just a headache, for many people it has been a constant worry to the people who would be harmed by many of the promised policies and intentions of President Elect Donald Trump.

The personal attacks by both of the main candidates has been a very upsetting part of this year. But even worse is the election of Trump. The results of the presidential election have left large swaths of our country devastated and depressed.

We believe that while the election has not resulted in the outcome we wanted, that does not mean we have to accept everything he wants to do without a fight. All of us can raise our voices and take a stand against offensive and wrong headed policies he is wanting to enact.

We are all unhappy with the results and we can show just how much we disagree with who has been elected. So protest and fight for what you believe in. Fight for what is right. The Eagle’s Eye invites you to write, share your opinions, show the world just how many people have the common sense and human decency to confront Donald Trump and his goals. Or people could form more clubs like the Akins Young Democratic Socialists to create and support more youth political groups.

However, you decide to speak out, we implore everyone to do so with respect and be willing to listen to the points of view with whom you disagree. We know that Trump and the Republican controlled Congress will try to push through all manner of offensive policies over the next four years. As difficult as it may be, we must respect the political process and work harder to elect people who reflect the values of our generation. We must strive to spread love with every chance we get. In no situation is violence the right way to share our displeasure. There is already too many people trying to harm others.

Trump has already voiced his plans to destroy what has been built in the last eight years, including Obamacare. He will also surely try to build his S o u t h e r n border wall, and remove more than 2 million illegal immigrants, along with many other plans.

Although we can’t change what he will attempt to do, we can fight this. Our individual voices do matter, whether it’s just speaking for people who are discriminated against, protecting your fellow citizens from ignorant fools or trying your hardest to make changes happen in Washington D.C.

We as the editorial board stand by the fact that there is only one way that Americans can survive the next four years. All that everyone has to do is spread love, understanding and compassion. If you don’t like Trump, stand up and let your voice be heard. Fight tooth and claw for the right things in this world, whether they be basic human rights like equality, safety and freedom. Our voices and how we respond to this moment matters.